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Random Opening Lines (x 20)
Lord Carl was in one of his moods.
"Just be yourself," Jill told herself as she waited at the football stadium.
When Mathew arrived at Easter, Sean laughed.
Roger hoped that the composer was infuriated.
Max hoped that the goat was arbitrary.
Smoke was in the air. Joan smiled knowingly.
Frederick could tell that Don was gloomy. He opened the door to the attic.
Walter was relieved that Ian was coming to Thanksgiving.
When Samuel arrived at Christmas, Marie embraced him.
Someone had invited a chicken to the wedding. Kelly knew the fun was about to begin.
It was a foggy Monday afternoon. Raymond twiddled his thumbs as he led the coach into the laundry.
It was a typical evening in the food court. Amber took a long sip of her water.
When wolves began to howl, Sara knew it was time to find shelter.
As soon as the party started, Frances struggled to breathe.
For as long as Hugh could remember, he'd wanted to be a hairdresser.
Norair waited for the battle to begin.
It was a afternoon full of promise. Irma was in the hospital.
Claudia walked into the studio and glanced at Dorothy. "You make me laugh," she said.
The penguin was on the loose. Edward pretended not to notice.
Victor had never been to the woods. He looked at the time.

More coming soon! Make suggestions on the Improbot Facebook page.