disclaimer: The text generated is random, based on templates and lists. Some will be silly, some might even be offensive (not intentionally, just unanticipated word combinations). Sometimes there are gender-specific terms. Please, use your own judgement and filter or change as necessary for your purposes. Use whatever inspires you!

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Random Epic Names (x 500)

Noreit, Lady of Fire

Stuew Stoneteller

Jose, King of Famine

Alma the Fearless

Ararbao Timewish

Megan Spirittongue

Prualti, Champion of the River

Eumuolim the Red

Curus, Shaman of Ice

Michael Willreaper

Saray Bonejaw

Datsh, Father of Titans

Hoart Heartwreath

Beinal the Damned

Kyle, Prince of Eternity

Eezauver Deathsucker

Kelof the Loathsome

Leo Willcarver

Straond, Son of the Forest

Wysasmea Bondstorm

Kyle the Light

Eesh the Red

Anna, Sword of Delight

Yaeityra Faithstaff

Leroy Doomshaker

Faylim, Champion of Ice

Herbert, Blade of Terror

Noreu the Undying

Iaxao, Sister of Fairies

Merdeethor Faithstaff

Aed the Powerful

Priscilla, Eye of Lies

Leon the Good

Darrell Sincrest

Qinourus the Small

Saruen, Champion of the Sun

Edwin, Face of the Lake

Ghaurn Mindstruck

Whormiara, Guardian of Thunder

Roy Bondfoot

Cari Fearskin

Aos the Great

Danielle, Ace of Titans

Robin the Impervious

Scoetche, Goddess of Pleasure

Aaron Worldcrusher

Cuo Blooddragon

Kriseab, Eye of Famine

Glynu the Loathsome

Xileuf, Heart of Hate

Leosaecry the Bloody

Doris Willrain

Mirat Moonstorm

Heinai the Undying

Duane, Heart of Magic

Hazel the Godless

Iaff, Shield of the Sun

Joseph Blooddemon

Glazauth Spacemouth

Jaime the Giant

Ghei, Flame of Flies

Ida Lifewish

Quoulu the Grey

Zhead Heartbeard

Doris Hopestruck

Marvin the Red

Ash, Champion of Fire

Klua the Indestructible

Peroa Soulfist

Alvin, Spirit of Spring

Shawn the Foul

Bayn, Princess of the Realm

Andy Sunlust

Yeuzh Bloodworm

Erik, Father of Destruction

Shrousmobon, Eye of the Mountain

Cluoe the Mad

Christy the Godless

Perue Doomcast

Praffuine, Priestess of Tigers

Rafael the Loathsome

Andrew, Champion of the Living

Stoa Timejaw

Flov the Bold

Luckaonal, Shield of Delight

Yeseo, Queen of Demons

Deanna the Undying

Eardael the Wise

Thiuv Spiritmore

Wade the Impervious

Eva, Eye of the Sky

Norusm Starlust

Glenn Bloodmagic

Naecko the Vile

Salvador, Priest of the Feast

Chearg Willwreath

Joann the Grey

Joova, Mage of the Dead

Charles, Hand of Delight

Reup Fleshwaker

Jack Skydancer

Ralostoilur the Wicked

Maria, Goddess of Winter

Glargo Spiritdevil

Paim, Brother of Tremors

Esther Starsinger

Iareal the Red

Wraneet Lifewind

Tom, Druid of Blood

Glynuerz, Queen of Hounds

Petuo, Sister of Thunder

Marc Mindsword

Ghiarsiyre Bonedevil

Trarbuetyra the Proud

Belyn, God of Tigers

Delores, Mother of Autumn

Rebecca, Shield of War

Elaldea the White

Brittany Worldburner

Wameren Joyhand

Ian the Brave

Jeanne, Angel of Waves

Glaerdu, Ace of Tigers

Doris the Dark

Xilua Lifeshine

Shachoi, Champion of the River

Zhuickon, Queen of Autumn

Stuoh, Protector of the Sun

Bruethe the Proud

Lauren the Vicious

Jeira Joycup

Zhoo, Hand of Tigers

Eorb the Red

Iania Skygiver

Dwight Moondragon

Jo the Unwashed

Waesiort, Druid of Joy

Edna Lovedemon

Sniut the Undying

Rita, Shield of Flies

Leosmao Hopecast

Mary-Jo the Impervious

Beirl, Flame of Death

Lloyd Heartring

Sarah, Angel of Autumn

Yineuc, Shaman of Terrors

Kirk the Honest

Phirsue Timedragon

Umerm the Bold

Denise, Daughter of the Forest

Seth the Foul

Matthew Stonemouth

Drezu the Fearless

Gladys, Sword of Snow

Lobet, Eye of War

Shabeice the Foul

Aorp Spiritbane

Bradley Blooddancer

Leork, Squire of Sin

Dwight the Vile

Wranearin Moonsucker

Bartholomew, Eye of Lightning

Iasautor the Black

Zhai, Spirit of Faith

Marie the White

Jennifer, Shaman of the Underworld

Rermeayra Oathbreaker

Careoyn the Wise

Valerie the Unwashed

Wuoffirick Bloodmouth

James Spiritcrest

Uezoa the Good

Darryl the Unholy

Zylui, Ace of the Sky

Jaed Hopegrief

April Stonemaker

Marie, Angel of Magic

Shortio the Good

Olorgoatyra, Mage of Love

Yinuo Windmagic

Vanessa, Blade of Wine

Preat the Greedy

Penny the Foul

Katie Joysucker

Giutchi Sinsnake

Toreuse, Guardian of Heaven

Coi the Red

Uastu Hopewalker

Jaime Spiritwind

Slismo, Maiden of the Sea

Baleuros the Mad

Myrtle Bone-elf

Nelson the Foul

Ianoer the Honest

Jaliu, Champion of the River

Madison Space-eater

Brad the Invincible

Oozhio, Hand of Luck

Iarpeoys, Blade of the Sun

Omarn Stonedragon

Cory, Champion of Lions

Quuarb Stargrinder

Philip Moonsword

Naizhe, Mother of Serpents

Uobao Bonekeeper

Caym the Tall

Vickie, Queen of the Sky

Chaetshee, Bringer of Eternity

Oloffioyra Skyfist

Boldae the Brave

Iulie, Destroyer of Delight

Regina, Shaman of Heaven

Smetshiral Spiritstaff

Eerayrice, Guardian of Terrors

Zylau the Just

Alvin, Mage of Hounds

Preseibon Windmaker

Lonnie Moongiver

Liaff the Destroyer

Rita the Impaler

Monica, Warrior of Hope

Euchauth Fearmouth

Eotshue the Great

Sliboo, Angel of the Feast

Jenny the Impaler

Sally Bondkeeper

Rene, Champion of the Forest

Rui the Honest

Meecry Deathgiver

Victor the Foul

Everett, Shaman of the Moon

April Moonharvest

Swaibored, Ace of Storms

Kliek Spaceswine

Yelia the Deceiver

Esther, Flame of Snow

Yllas, Bringer of Eternity

Caiveiren Lifefist

Alma Sunbile

Bryan the Black

Lois, Priestess of Night

Balia, Mage of Magic

Janice Windburner

Skeuh Goldgiver

Yesayrz, Priest of Blood

Ravaaur the Vile

Marsha, Mistress of Summer

Lorraine the White

Aigae Heartblade

Vernon Death-eater

Stroac, Angel of Eternity

Glios the Brave

Derrick Spiritgazer

Eilei Skychaser

Marion, Champion of Joy

Uiniu, Eye of Night

Mary-Lou Windring

Ulas the Terrible

Dipea, Ace of Ice

Fleik Spacegrinder

Marc Starhunter

Wheoxu the Powerful

Moria Love-eye

Helen the Undying

Daeckei the Bloody

Kierick Faithwind

Oirmuor, King of Snow

Ken, Priest of the Undead

Piardudol Fearcup

Cray the Wise

Zachary, Champion of Delight

Marcus the Good

Victoria Moonwyrm

Saruab Bonesign

Faroo Deathdevil

Shannon, Mother of the Sea

Wray, Hand of Summer

Elarfaoria Mind-elf

Michele the White

Terrence, Protector of Winter

Doris Doom-eye

Scomuse, Prince of Spring

Loi the Dead

Az Fleshshine

Jean Bondcrest

Urishiemer the Proud

Ruth the Tall

Blouzhetyra Mindborn

Gordon, Druid of Flies

Heru, Son of Stars

Rosa the Wide

Woaren the Trickster

Bryan, Champion of Famine

Iurt Worldtrace

Peruo, Bringer of Summer

Norma Mindface

Brezeu the Small

Jennie, Blade of Peace

Squia Willveil

Xiunal the Powerful

Gabriel Worldcup

Raloshuaren, Bringer of Love

Naes, Squire of Lies

Noroi Heartsword

Uerkau the Destroyer

Timothy the Honest

Larry, Shield of Time

Floeh Soulcrest

Uiltiotor, Druid of Nightmares

Varfoidon the Impaler

Aom Joywraith

Glenn, Squire of Pain

Keezhe the Unholy

Lloyd the Honest

Shraltios Worldmouth

Rachel Bloodrain

Irtae, Eye of War

Carol the Wicked

Jorge Skytaker

Qigeu Heartgazer

Brad the White

Auckeilyn the Undying

Rebecca Sinmagic

Aotshi, Prince of Darkness

Virgil, Brother of Hope

Tony the Impaler

Marmo Doomreach

Birnoa, Hand of Dreams

Kuev the Black

Adam Star-eater

Fenau, Champion of Lightning

Miriam the White

Jerry Goldfist

Jorge, Brother of the Feast

Old the Bloody

Brittany the Grey

Iuffua Bonekeeper

Edwin Sinsong

Taozi, Princess of the Underworld

Ernest, Sword of Death

Leonard Timegrinder

Danielle the Damned

Oeff, Guardian of Waves

Sidney, Face of Peace

Peteb Skydevil

Sharl the Barbarian

Thaid, Champion of Time

Jorge Lovecrusher

Yelaer the Black

Maguc Hopeless

Clara Heartfist

Miarsiuthor, Champion of Sin

Clyde, Warrior of Destruction

Eirluiys Willcrest

Martha Worldbile

Lorraine the Tall

Peru Mindborn

Ron, Priest of Luck

Pseckalim the Dead

Dave the Grey

Qinayred Blood-eater

Ricky, Eye of the Realm

Bob Fleshstruck

Nuarice the Greedy

Heiseu Soulmage

Bernard, Spirit of Faith

Roger Stoneseller

Eweo the Honorable

Maerz Bloodrain

Birba, Shaman of War

Nicole the Black

Teura Spacewreath

Fariu the Light

Iedeol, Bringer of Luck

Mildred Stonemaker

Eiliah Starmouth

Swacku the Dead

Elsie Spacecatcher

Velma the Honorable

Mageuris the Cold

Jeanne, Guardian of Hope

Coit Doomskin

Petia, Princess of the Sea

Dora the Dark

Zharne the Fearless

Glursea, Hand of Destruction

Mirack the Good

Arthur Stone-elf

Caroark Deathteller

Zineuna the Undying

William, Destroyer of War

Betty the Strange

Darnador, Druid of the Air

Aich Soulwave

Griard the Light

Melinda Hearthunter

Amber the Brave

Weul Worldsign

Presaec, Sister of Joy

Oeveidor the Destroyer

Larry Bloodmouth

Minnie the Unjust

Martha, Mage of Pleasure

Bryrpeerin the Undying

Glielde, Spirit of the Mountain

Raymond Skygrinder

Miralti the Just

Judy, Guardian of Wine

Cuz, Priest of the Sun

Ald Hopewish

Juinia the Dead

Marie, Bringer of Blood

Stuep, Spirit of Demons

Biboerick Deathless

Aorfee the Strange

Javier, King of Wind

Quirmiowyn Fearsong

Phillip Suncrest

Waesau the Barbarian

Edgar, Druid of Famine

Travu Stonetongue

Xilen, Destroyer of Tremors

Gie the Brave

Thelma, Mistress of Lies

Marjorie the Great

Slorzilex, Face of the Realm

Fenuirg the Unwashed

Urith the Deceiver

Dawn, Hand of the Feast

Xyrae Hopebile

Ouckeo, Face of Heaven

Cathy, Queen of Night

Russell the Great

Kearzeu, Mage of Peace

Kalyn the Foul

Jo, Eye of the Moon

Jay the Impaler

Naim Spiritwalker

Ilirk, King of the Mountain

Waesoa the Vicious

Emily Deathdemon

Jeffery, Champion of Night

Zinuat Skygrief

Kria, Lord of the Moon

Eneec the Vile

Yelei, Warrior of Peace

Richard Spacecrusher

Squese Mindrain

Jimmie, Brother of the Underworld

Fruee, Protector of the Moon

Wysachua the Good

Elmer, Shaman of Blood

Vaysh Sky-anvil

Ruth Spiritstaff

Jorl Heartring

Ietaeth, Flame of Terror

Mathew the Unwashed

Glen, God of the Feast

Woeltu the Just

Uarb Bondborn

Bryzei, Mother of Blood

Faeldeac, Sword of Nightmares

Jerry Worldwyrm

Pruozhobon the Loathsome

Christine the Cold

Roberta Joykeeper

Jox, Spirit of Beasts

Adi the Proud

Sally, Flame of the Undead

Ron Stonebeard

Orirkairn Timestruck

Frierfa the Terrible

Wade, Shaman of Serpents

Fei, Lady of the Forest

Gleurmun World-anvil

Klaurb the Light

Dan the Bloody

Oscar Bondreach

Haeg Faithbane

Achebet, Blade of War

Lo the Brave

Aytshie Will-elf

Ian the Mad

Zirleolor the Greedy

Zinaih, Druid of Shadows

Leona the Fearless

Bonnie, Heart of Hounds

Flersio the Vicious

Quirl, Sword of Peace

Zumoi Moonsong

Claire Sunring

Saerwyn, Mage of Tremors

Travis, Heart of Joy

Arlene Worldseller

Holad Willgreeter

Scuo, Master of Dreams

Iandee the Unwashed

Staytsh Skywalker

Manuel the Vicious

Julian, Ace of Beasts

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An attitude towards or about another character.



Character and Personality Traits.



Lines of dialogue. For games like "Papers".



Emotions and other states of being.


Epic Names

Epic names for heroes and villains. Some are a little odd :)



Curated random image feed.



A variety of locations



Different 'moods' to inspire a scene.



Jobs and the like.



Jobs with a trait. E.g. "A Happy Farmer".


Opening Lines

Opening line of a story. For games such as "Typewriter".


Personal Prompt

A prompt to serve as a starting point for a character monologue.


Place Names (invented)

Randomly created place names.



Proverbs, sayings, and expressions.



A relationship between two characters. A common scene starter.



Comparison of two things, with an ellipsis. Complete the simile by explaining how the two things are alike.


Sins and Virtues

The 7 deadly sins and 7 heavenly virtues.



Simple, sometimes weird, story titles.



Random words.


More coming soon! Make suggestions on the Improbot Facebook page.

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