disclaimer: The text generated is random, based on templates and lists. Some will be silly, some might even be offensive (not intentionally, just unanticipated word combinations). Sometimes there are gender-specific terms. Please, use your own judgement and filter or change as necessary for your purposes. Use whatever inspires you!

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Random Epic Names (x 500)

Vanessa the Fearless

Shuolt the White

Bres Mindbreaker

Plualor, Eye of the Moon

Madison the Honest

Danny, Shield of Nightmares

Greffumon Soulcarver

Trisoone, Destroyer of the Realm

Tammy, Sword of Blood

Glenn the Dark

Uiteilis the Dead

Quusia, Flame of Dreams

Klae Timestruck

Nora the Cold

Olosmue, Mage of the Sea

Xilay the Fearless

Virginia, Protector of the Lake

Pereirz the Unjust

Jod the Loathsome

Tara the Barbarian

Kree, Ace of the Sky

Norman Heartcast

Iemeria the Red

Larpibim Skysong

Elsie Moonface

Peto, Shaman of Destruction

Nerirfay the Proud

David, Heart of Blood

Kleocka, Bringer of Dreams

Qinier Skycrest

April the Honorable

Perouris the Mad

Psause, Priest of Swords

Sheoffatra Deathdancer

Etcholla, Lord of Faith

Heriotyra the Wise

Herbert Mindsnake

Peraorf, Angel of the Sun

Ourke, Mage of the Forest

Glynean, Champion of Sin

Jeremy, Bringer of Time

Iusm the Undying

Giluorz Spiritdemon

Quirfoa, Hand of the Rain

Glyneu Bonegrinder

Vazho, Prince of Darkness

Eleanor Timegiver

Cliurick Moonburner

Iaffoi the Loathsome

Itouler, Brother of Blood

Neris, Spirit of the Living

Jane, Daughter of Wolves

Theb Spacesnake

Irma the Terrible

Glenda Stonevice

Oorpuave the Undying

Wysarl, Priest of Fairies

Perae Sunharvest

Speerkalim, Flame of Light

Daisy, Hand of Storms

Droirto the Cold

Earl Mindreach

Etearelle Fleshshaker

Crirgiolur, Druid of Shadows

Feerlo the Tall

Aeth Doomhand

Nathan the Vile

Veneaz, Hand of Lions

Xyray, Master of Spiders

Jorfoolim the Just

Bruep Goldmouth

Florence Bondgazer

Randy, Druid of Sin

Psurgo the Undying

Mary-Lou the Wise

Roland Stonecarver

Balei, Heart of Life

Ciarb the Just

Carol, Shaman of Shadows

Donald the Good

Shiloa, Destroyer of Terror

Grou Mindgazer

Faes Doomtongue

Jo, Guardian of Tigers

Earl the Bold

Getcheice Bloodfist

Drumea, Spirit of Swords

Frederick, Warrior of Destruction

Sarah-Jane the Unjust

Cliathe, Protector of Spring

Herui the Good

Arkiys Hopeskin

Louis the Wise

Lauren, Blade of Tremors

Bleguthas the Wide

Vernon the Greedy

Adia Bondfoot

Chaerdai the Barbarian

Lurpiune the Deceiver

Josephine, Maiden of Nightmares

Mary-Beth Windbile

Krisuov Suntongue

Diep the Giant

Creeffalor, Daughter of Winter

Erik, Angel of Shadows

Phistiurice Spiritshine

Milton the Black

Yineula, Mother of the Dead

Wranaov Deathsong

Kestio, Lord of Shadows

Airs the Deceiver

Eeraerice, Spirit of the Forest

Randy the Wicked

Stacy Skydragon

Draudo the Unholy

Murbi, Goddess of the River

Monica, Daughter of Life

Kelae Goldcoin

Daffeinia the Good

Blaorkerick the Bold

Teresa, Flame of Autumn

Beirtoi, Lady of Blood

Glynuip Oathshaker

Uovua the Grey

Joel, Blade of Lies

Taob the Bold

Ceizhe, Bringer of the Rain

Theresa Feardancer

Freddie the Impervious

Jaime, Destroyer of the Dead

Pluersol the Vile

Ologuimer Mindstorm

Clarence Stardemon

Kouwyn, Flame of Spring

Fierl the Trickster

Ethel, Sister of Flies

Urismue Lifetongue

Genoo the Greedy

Cairm, Ace of Flames

Sherbei Windburner

Clayton, Guardian of Eternity

Lorraine the Indestructible

Skoirgodon, Eye of the Living

Saiw Starblade

Lisa, Hand of Destruction

Plieris the Foul

Warren the Strange

Francisco, Lord of the Feast

Julia Windwave

Aytio, Spirit of Tremors

Naerzuored the Great

Yeluag Faithsucker

Kelly, Eye of Eternity

Ken Willshaker

Fenio, Face of Hope

Lurk the Vile

Valerie, Priestess of Destruction

Strig, Flame of Joy

Steesmu Sky-anvil

Genou the Bloody

Krisuays the Cold

Joshua Bloodtongue

Elmer the Black

Brirpaidol, Goddess of Swords

Iat Skywind

Stay the Giant

Virgil the Unjust

Lurneemal, Sword of Pleasure

Plirgau Worldstruck

Iobai the Powerful

Vuilo, Face of the Lake

Darrell the Foul

Sarealur Moonwish

Eirpuo Joystaff

Baleeb the Brave

Trarmayral the Giant

Dennis the Proud

Oatshieys, Lady of Terror

Roger Hopesong

Speutch the Bold

Eimu Skyswine

Rosa, Flame of Shadows

Fayb Lifebile

Sam the Vicious

Eend, Face of Tigers

Ulachorn the Giant

Susan, Goddess of Flies

Melissa Spiritcup

Maek, Mage of Wolves

Nurke Skybreaker

Peerin the Invincible

Arthur Starswine

Bryan the Bold

Farau Fearsucker

Uarnou the Greedy

Trarmie, Ace of Beasts

Sneaf Windmage

Douglas the Cold

Gloria, Lady of the Feast

Whubaymer Starmagic

Wraneult the Destroyer

Zhoaf, Master of Pleasure

Uerlorelle Stonesucker

Jane Moonbreaker

Daeldai the Honest

Schirdounix, Hand of Terrors

Esther the Great

Irma Sunhunter

Eork, Mother of Delight

Lorarf the Grey

Loxay Bonegrief

Glurelle Heartbeard

Penny Space-eye

Franklin the Undying

Strard the Unwashed

Greaweral, Guardian of War

Keleumer Fearworm

Aipaurus the Bloody

Naomi Boneharvest

Mark the Honorable

Skaek Fleshrain

Whadeeys, Guardian of Sin

Jimmy Starseller

Riunu the Red

Regina, Mother of the Feast

Gloria the Fearless

Zinev Willdevil

Tiffany, Bringer of Peace

Easmoo, Knight of Flies

Irgouyra the Powerful

Max the Honorable

Drostu Deathvice

Geniuv, Destroyer of Terror

Joa the Barbarian

Ravawa, Warrior of the Sea

Harry, Bringer of Ice

Deborah Starstruck

Ebiacry Hopegazer

Claiff, Face of Famine

Oow the White

Yeseec Timemouth

Brandy the Greedy

Tyler, Heart of Space

Iorgeo the Impervious

Spisonal Bonefist

Praesys Fearvice

Alma Windbeard

Olotchuilur the Strange

Gloo, King of Joy

Lewis Oathbile

Nausmo Spiritcatcher

Priobet, Mage of Hate

Bill, Shield of Peace

Psuap the Vicious

Uivau Faithsucker

Zylo, Brother of Titans

Ath Spiritgreeter

Crystal Skyfist

Maria the Cold

Ailietyra the Fearless

Uffiu Winddevil

Strayma, Spirit of the Lake

Clara the Invincible

Trisuoce the Black

Oez Sinrain

Christian Faithteller

Rodney the Greedy

Wraniold the Small

Keith, Ace of Waves

Quitsh Sunshine

Renduena, Lady of Wind

Brie the Impervious

Yesooc Bondcarver

Eraetor Hopefist

Mitchell Boneshine

Annie, Maiden of Joy

Swoldauwyn the Vile

Heather Time-eye

Erica the Greedy

Bartholomew, Ace of Autumn

Yesoorice the Just

Liagoes Worldrunner

Ox, Hand of the Air

Claobi the Invincible

Jordan Starcup

Diana the Mad

Cynthia, Champion of Winter

Eolue Sinmagic

Ricky Hopemage

Trourke, Heart of Summer

Jeen the Unholy

Sloov Skylust

Zachary the Small

Hau the Impervious

Annie Stonetaker

Mialde Bloodwaker

Klayrf, Eye of Wolves

Lisa Willcup

Baleirn the Honest

Robert the Godless

Waesaemun, Destroyer of Spring

Zurkeo Doomjaw

Susan Faithgrinder

Byron the Honorable

Randall Willcatcher

Tim, Prince of the Underworld

Ploi, Knight of Dragons

Erayk Bondreach

Glen, Guardian of Sin

Xichelim the Wide

Lillie the Honorable

Faerzover, Mistress of the Underworld

Grace, Angel of the Air

Hau the Invincible

Charlotte Worldtaker

Ricardo the Impaler

Aogui, Daughter of Autumn

Smourz Faithgiver

Stacy Willless

Stephanie, Priestess of Heaven

Kloebe, Goddess of Joy

Olarsua the Terrible

Alice Minddemon

Samantha the Fearless

Blanui, Maiden of the Forest

Iorn Lovesinger

Sue the Vicious

Phirkiumal the Impaler

Vickie Space-elf

Qinarm, Champion of Luck

Curlae Doomgrief

Oiffui the Tall

Laura Lifemagic

Grewea, Guardian of Wolves

Leslie, Sister of the Sun

Graytchu the Unholy

Iurd, Ace of Waves

Moutese Stonewave

Laurie, Lady of Luck

Jim Goldgrinder

Gloria the Honorable

Auie, Squire of Serpents

Jorge, Angel of the Mountain

Steven Fearrider

Derek the Impaler

Waesourk, Champion of Wine

Genao the Just

Miad Mindmaker

Bartholomew Fearrunner

Katie, Destroyer of Pleasure

Terry the Bold

Eb, Blade of Lightning

Heriun Willjaw

Leo Faithwyrm

Preseu, Knight of Famine

Lauren, Heart of the Living

Coaltitra the Good

Yinuif Moondemon

Sean Timebane

Guolur, Son of the Mountain

Toni, Guardian of Night

Keav Goldseller

Thomas the Proud

Naorponor, Hand of the Lake

Tharkia the Cold

Constance Doom-eye

Yinau Sunskin

Claudia the Greedy

Jorge Stonesnake

Kenneth, Ace of Freedom

Hereuff, Champion of Faith

Eisteo the Red

Samantha, Lady of Demons

Marcia Fleshfist

Cariulis the Black

Iaruin, Protector of the Rain

Aold Heartdragon

Evelyn the Unwashed

Holly, Ace of Peace

Spoise the Damned

Flo Spaceseller

Thergio Deathhand

Utshal, Flame of Lies

Guard the Undying

Katie the Impervious

Carlos Moonvice

Bill, Master of Water

Fluzhitor the Just

Preseab, Priestess of War

Alicia Sunsword

Smui Bond-eater

Luraork, Squire of Wine

Stacy, Shaman of the Moon

Carl Windbile

Brathiarin the Foul

Kenneth the Just

Shreibomun the Terrible

Perzeo Spiritdancer

Claur the Greedy

Ted Doomgazer

Glynaild, Daughter of Destruction

Jesus, Hand of Dreams

Gilue the Honest

Joe Faithburner

Lorasm, Mage of Dragons

Euzaemin Starwind

Jenny the Honorable

Carrie Fearteller

Jim, Knight of the Moon

Inarbeerelle the Greedy

Renee the Tall

Uerlu Bonerain

Stretshia the Unholy

Scharsuark, Squire of the Realm

Frances, Sister of Dragons

Oeibim Oathveil

Wrub, Blade of Waves

Trisea the Bloody

Viruop Moonfoot

Anne Worldstaff

Jeff, Mage of Lies

Oez the Foul

Gina the White

Kristen Fleshdemon

Zhaem, Shield of the Sea

Sway the Honest

Schoonix Sinvice

Squocka, Priestess of the Lake

Tim Stargazer

Lois the Deceiver

Zylou the Cold

Lurnaiys Heartgiver

Darlene, Shaman of Lies

Uerm the Light

Ilist, Protector of Snow

Terrence Sinskin

Dorathor Bondcrest

Raloldeula the Impervious

Plusuiys, Queen of Freedom

Rick the Wise

Bob Mindfoot

Aday, Goddess of Spring

Sergio, Druid of War

Gloish the Trickster

Arthur the Brave

Oopure Suncrusher

Joy, Shaman of Heaven

End the Wicked

Yelea Oathgazer

Kesh, Sister of Ice

Viub Heartsnake

Clinton Fleshgiver

Crarbairk, Priest of Flames

Wynuetor the Barbarian

Glen, Lord of Titans

Mitchell Worldhunter

Aurgoonix, Shaman of Famine

Maurice the Cold

Zhiend Bondskin

Daetsh the Foul

Freddie the Light

Kloarpinor, Lord of Faith

Mirarmuo Oathrain

Irene Hopedevil

Bruce the Unholy

Stuibon, Protector of Lies

Zyluatyra the Cold

Fareich Willreaper

Emily, Eye of Darkness

Lorash, Flame of the Mountain

Oum the Strange

Uorfore Fleshharvest

Eudao, Destroyer of Lies

Jane the Barbarian

Shand Hopefoot

Skultairick the Mad

Gaelire, Daughter of Summer

Kay the Powerful

Yinie Fleshrain

Corey, Shield of Snow

Wanda the Dead

Graoh, Ace of Space

Oern Faithstorm

Rearp the Giant

Brandon Sunwright

Alma, Sister of Love

Bryltu Mindborn

Yaed the Black

Greg, Ace of Magic

Crein, Protector of Wine

Olosmiarelle the Just

Genai Bondbane

Aosheuwyn Flesh-elf

Bobbi-Jo, Ace of Lies

Yolanda Deathsword

Lois the Small

Waiv, Angel of Stars

Roy Heartbile

Olarn Sunmagic

Nerirberice the Light

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An attitude towards or about another character.



Character and Personality Traits.



Lines of dialogue. For games like "Papers".



Emotions and other states of being.


Epic Names

Epic names for heroes and villains. Some are a little odd :)



Curated random image feed.



A variety of locations



Different 'moods' to inspire a scene.



Jobs and the like.



Jobs with a trait. E.g. "A Happy Farmer".


Opening Lines

Opening line of a story. For games such as "Typewriter".


Personal Prompt

A prompt to serve as a starting point for a character monologue.


Place Names (invented)

Randomly created place names.



Proverbs, sayings, and expressions.



A relationship between two characters. A common scene starter.



Comparison of two things, with an ellipsis. Complete the simile by explaining how the two things are alike.


Sins and Virtues

The 7 deadly sins and 7 heavenly virtues.



Simple, sometimes weird, story titles.



Random words.


More coming soon! Make suggestions on the Improbot Facebook page.

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