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Random Dialogue (x 50)
Throw it here.
Don't be scared. I just need you to come with me
Darling, it's so shiny.
We should ask for more money.
Please, give me that.
I want you to be careless.
I want you to betray me.
You should protect your father.
We're ghosts.
I want to tell you about the salesperson.
I bet you know why I'm smiling.
The longest journey starts with a single step.
You are so nice to me.
Can I make art?
Don't upset your grandfather, not now.
You won't find it.
I'm going to need a can opener.
Did you enjoy yourself just now?
He was unconscious when I found him.
I love spring in Switzerland.
She couldn't have left at a worse time.
You angel!
It wasn't your fault that the cat died.
You're a god.
Open the curtains.
This is the worst time to be hysterical.
You're crazy!
This room is unstable.
I've reported it to the press.
I'll get ready.
I have the gun.
You are an idiot.
Get ready, or get out.
No one can ever know that I am alive.
Okay. Just do what I do.
Who left a Jack Daniels in the classroom?
When the curtain goes up, start crying.
Let's get it
I want that ant out of my life!
We're going to need a mechanic.
Getting married is like fixing a computer...
Someone's locked the door.
I guess you have read the stories about my uncle?
I'm the worst surgeon who ever lived.
If you're hungry, we'll get started.
Take the money and die.
Why do you tease me, so much?
Stop, in the name of all things holy.
This is the only thing that's made the last four months bearable

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