disclaimer: The text generated is random, based on templates and lists. Some will be silly, some might even be offensive (not intentionally, just unanticipated word combinations). Sometimes there are gender-specific terms. Please, use your own judgement and filter or change as necessary for your purposes. Use whatever inspires you!

The Improbot app for Android is now available -- Improbot on Google Play.

Random Personal Prompt (x 500)

I want to be a better person

I want some advice

I have kids

I'm here about the job

I want to be recognised

I am excited

I want sympathy

I over-explain

I want to be friends

I like to dance

I appreciate art

I love reading

I need help

I need food

I want to control you

I like to gossip

I'm a sagittarius (adventurous)

I need to tidy up

I want to sell you something

I love fishing

I must be obeyed

I believe in God

I'm looking for a place to stay

I need to confess

I'm a great cook

I need to be alone

I feel trapped

I need a place to hide

I have mixed emotions

I want sex

I have a pet tortoise

I love the beach

I am competitive

I am scared

I need silence

I am admiring the view

I have a to-do list

I always get what I want

I have a great smile

I am lost

I am suspicious

I need to vent

I like animals

I am unconventional

I need money

I act on instinct

I want to make a difference

I love to laugh

I want to be entertained

I am a friend of Sam's

I need a drink

I create art

I am easily impressed

I seek enlightenment

I have good news

I want to be entertained

I just want to look at you

I take my time

I need a place to hide

I feel trapped

I am delighted

I want to be recognised

I crave attention

I want to make a difference

I believe in God

I want to sell you something

I must be obeyed

I have kids

I am scared

I am a friend of Sam's

I need a place to hide

I want to be a better person

I have good news

I'm here about the job

I need silence

I'm here about the job

I like to dance

I have a pet tortoise

I appreciate art

I need food

I must be obeyed

I am easily impressed

I need to be alone

I am easily impressed

I like to dance

I have kids

I have good news

I seek enlightenment

I love reading

I am lost

I need to confess

I am easily impressed

I appreciate art

I am suspicious

I act on instinct

I need to be alone

I need food

I act on instinct

I need money

I have good news

I am competitive

I have mixed emotions

I am unconventional

I want to be entertained

I have mixed emotions

I like animals

I am excited

I need silence

I have a pet tortoise

I want to be friends

I am easily impressed

I love fishing

I want to be a better person

I have a to-do list

I'm a great cook

I like to dance

I want to sell you something

I am lost

I want some advice

I am excited

I am scared

I want to be friends

I need silence

I appreciate art

I act on instinct

I am unconventional

I like to dance

I want to be recognised

I love to laugh

I need a place to hide

I need help

I am delighted

I take my time

I need help

I need help

I am easily impressed

I need help

I need to tidy up

I have a pet tortoise

I like to gossip

I need to confess

I need to vent

I am scared

I have good news

I am admiring the view

I want to be a better person

I love to laugh

I need to be alone

I create art

I am competitive

I need to vent

I appreciate art

I act on instinct

I want sex

I like animals

I need to be alone

I'm a great cook

I want to be entertained

I appreciate art

I'm looking for a place to stay

I'm a sagittarius (adventurous)

I create art

I need a drink

I need to tidy up

I need money

I have a great smile

I'm a great cook

I feel trapped

I always get what I want

I appreciate art

I am lost

I act on instinct

I want to control you

I have kids

I believe in God

I want to be friends

I love reading

I want sex

I love fishing

I want to control you

I need to vent

I am easily impressed

I always get what I want

I over-explain

I have a to-do list

I want to be friends

I like to gossip

I am scared

I'm here about the job

I need help

I want to be a better person

I need to be alone

I have a great smile

I want to control you

I am admiring the view

I am a friend of Sam's

I want some advice

I'm looking for a place to stay

I need to vent

I need a drink

I need a drink

I am easily impressed

I like to dance

I need food

I like to dance

I want sympathy

I want some advice

I am admiring the view

I like to dance

I want to be friends

I create art

I am competitive

I have a great smile

I over-explain

I want to be recognised

I believe in God

I need to be alone

I crave attention

I want to control you

I love fishing

I want to be recognised

I am excited

I am excited

I am delighted

I am a friend of Sam's

I am lost

I need food

I am suspicious

I like to gossip

I have good news

I'm here about the job

I want sex

I am excited

I am excited

I love fishing

I'm looking for a place to stay

I want some advice

I have good news

I always get what I want

I am easily impressed

I am suspicious

I need help

I act on instinct

I'm here about the job

I want to sell you something

I need help

I have a to-do list

I want to be a better person

I need to confess

I want sympathy

I want to be a better person

I need to tidy up

I want to be recognised

I act on instinct

I must be obeyed

I'm here about the job

I crave attention

I want to be recognised

I want to be friends

I need to tidy up

I have a to-do list

I need a place to hide

I want sex

I am lost

I am delighted

I am suspicious

I need food

I am suspicious

I am easily impressed

I love reading

I am admiring the view

I want to sell you something

I am lost

I need food

I appreciate art

I am delighted

I appreciate art

I like animals

I like to dance

I love reading

I want to be recognised

I over-explain

I want to be a better person

I am a friend of Sam's

I want sex

I need food

I love to laugh

I am lost

I crave attention

I want to be a better person

I love fishing

I want to be friends

I am excited

I have kids

I take my time

I like to gossip

I want some advice

I need food

I like to gossip

I want to be recognised

I am competitive

I love reading

I believe in God

I feel trapped

I have a pet tortoise

I am unconventional

I have mixed emotions

I take my time

I seek enlightenment

I have kids

I am lost

I want to be friends

I am scared

I have a pet tortoise

I take my time

I have good news

I seek enlightenment

I'm a great cook

I have good news

I need silence

I am excited

I want to be friends

I have mixed emotions

I am scared

I want some advice

I need to tidy up

I have a great smile

I over-explain

I need food

I am excited

I need help

I'm here about the job

I am suspicious

I am scared

I am excited

I crave attention

I must be obeyed

I create art

I'm looking for a place to stay

I have kids

I am competitive

I have a great smile

I need food

I seek enlightenment

I need help

I have kids

I love reading

I need food

I need to tidy up

I need to confess

I am excited

I seek enlightenment

I want to be recognised

I believe in God

I am admiring the view

I love fishing

I act on instinct

I need to tidy up

I have a great smile

I seek enlightenment

I am unconventional

I act on instinct

I seek enlightenment

I love to laugh

I have mixed emotions

I love fishing

I need a drink

I want to be a better person

I am a friend of Sam's

I seek enlightenment

I need a place to hide

I'm here about the job

I am competitive

I am lost

I want to make a difference

I am a friend of Sam's

I take my time

I need to be alone

I have mixed emotions

I love to laugh

I love fishing

I need to tidy up

I like to dance

I am excited

I love the beach

I need silence

I feel trapped

I create art

I have a great smile

I am a friend of Sam's

I appreciate art

I am excited

I have kids

I like to dance

I want to control you

I need help

I love to laugh

I am excited

I need money

I'm here about the job

I believe in God

I need a place to hide

I have kids

I feel trapped

I am admiring the view

I have mixed emotions

I am competitive

I over-explain

I love fishing

I must be obeyed

I want sex

I want to be recognised

I want to make a difference

I am suspicious

I like to dance

I need to tidy up

I like animals

I'm looking for a place to stay

I need to be alone

I want to control you

I want to make a difference

I crave attention

I am delighted

I have mixed emotions

I have good news

I must be obeyed

I am easily impressed

I appreciate art

I want to be a better person

I always get what I want

I create art

I need to be alone

I have a to-do list

I am suspicious

I am delighted

I want to be recognised

I need to confess

I am scared

I want to be entertained

I am scared

I want to sell you something

I have kids

I create art

I need help

I create art

I act on instinct

I am excited

I like to dance

I have kids

I want to make a difference

I seek enlightenment

I act on instinct

I want sex

I want sex

I have a great smile

I need money

I have mixed emotions

I am excited

I act on instinct

I love reading

I am unconventional

I over-explain

I need help

I want sex

I need a drink

I believe in God

I am excited

I like animals

I need help

I want to make a difference

I have a pet tortoise

I love fishing

I have mixed emotions

I am excited

I like animals

I am admiring the view

I love fishing

I am suspicious

I like animals

I need to confess

I have good news

I love to laugh

I need to be alone

I want to sell you something

I want to be recognised

I am scared

I have kids

I have a pet tortoise

I act on instinct

I need to be alone

I like to dance

I have a great smile

I'm a great cook

I crave attention

I need to be alone

I like to gossip

I love to laugh

I need a place to hide

I have a to-do list

I want to sell you something

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copied to clipboard
improbotChange selection (or hit Refresh)...


An attitude towards or about another character.



Character and Personality Traits.



Lines of dialogue. For games like "Papers".



Emotions and other states of being.


Epic Names

Epic names for heroes and villains. Some are a little odd :)



Curated random image feed.



A variety of locations



Different 'moods' to inspire a scene.



Jobs and the like.



Jobs with a trait. E.g. "A Happy Farmer".


Opening Lines

Opening line of a story. For games such as "Typewriter".


Personal Prompt

A prompt to serve as a starting point for a character monologue.


Place Names (invented)

Randomly created place names.



Proverbs, sayings, and expressions.



A relationship between two characters. A common scene starter.



Comparison of two things, with an ellipsis. Complete the simile by explaining how the two things are alike.


Sins and Virtues

The 7 deadly sins and 7 heavenly virtues.



Simple, sometimes weird, story titles.



Random words.


More coming soon! Make suggestions on the Improbot Facebook page.

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