disclaimer: The text generated is random, based on templates and lists. Some will
be silly, some might even be offensive (not intentionally, just unanticipated word combinations). Sometimes
there are gender-specific terms. Please, use your own judgement and filter or change as necessary for your
purposes. Use whatever inspires you!
The Improbot app for Android is now available -- Improbot on Google Play.
Random Locations (x 20)
In a fairy grotto
In Moscow
In the bushes
In a shop
In Ireland
On the roof
In a corner
In the chapel
In Spain
In the backyard
Under a table
In a wax museum
In the bath
In a park
In a lighthouse
In an attic
On Mars
In a nuclear power-plant
In a theatre
In Japan
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More coming soon! Make suggestions on the Improbot Facebook page.