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Random Epic Names (x 100)
Skandei, Druid of Hope
Tyrone the Brave
Glynui the Mad
Peuv Lovecoin
Shawn the White
Groucki, Squire of Light
Karl Sunhand
Naersaorn the Damned
Laurie, Lady of Terror
Beverly the Greedy
Enoer, Champion of Eternity
Bale the Strange
Clara the Black
Martha, Daughter of the Undead
Olorgia Stonewish
Kelive Oathteller
Hauva, Bringer of Hounds
Gruckaoyn the Loathsome
Sylvia the Deceiver
Kraynd Bloodreaper
Biwiuse, Protector of Nightmares
Ianeo the Giant
Christy Starblade
Norma, Knight of Winter
Whenoured Willvice
Skistoa the Damned
Luis Spacegazer
Oirs Bloodharvest
Xyrae the Deceiver
Croermemun, Hand of Nightmares
Jeremy the Unholy
Shrio the Unjust
Quushuo Stonecup
Raul, Sword of the Rain
Scoelur, Goddess of Swords
Leon Mindskin
Eilia Sunborn
Corey, Knight of Winter
Tino, Daughter of Blood
Giluek the Destroyer
Seth, Prince of Heaven
Speazh Starcatcher
Hurloover, Protector of Shadows
Squeo Heartteller
Quem the Small
Deanna the Impaler
Juan, Druid of Space
Aorkee Moonswine
Noriuv, Guardian of Magic
Terry Soulchaser
Melinda the Fearless
Zuesm, Mage of the Dead
Chaetsh Sinhunter
Valoa the White
Strathee the Dark
Bill the Bold
Deanna Goldwalker
Qinumun Lovecleaner
Magiul, Ace of Time
Pseazoros the Invincible
Sta the Light
Oerlerus Spiritless
Frank Oathmage
Curneibon, Sword of the Sky
Aocho the Strange
Daisy, Heart of Pleasure
Aezh Stonesign
Melvin Starbite
Tismeotyra the Terrible
Oarkaiyre Doomwalker
Betty the Trickster
Martin, Protector of Autumn
Doruerin the Impervious
Beipiedom, Destroyer of Winter
Rargae the Good
Mario Moonjaw
Spaolt Skyseller
Joe, God of Terrors
Trurlaumal, Brother of Flies
Tammy the Brave
Ierbea, Maiden of Light
Peroat the Giant
Staziu Lovebile
Annette Worldswine
Omalooris the Black
Neil, Ace of Demons
Constance the Terrible
Eaffolur Oathkeeper
Venau, Master of Famine
Calvin, Blade of Sin
Kig Heartstaff
Wilma the Indestructible
Eom, Destroyer of Titans
Ruth Starshaker
Iaraynys Worldteller
Skunor, Bringer of the Sea
Sherri the Impervious
Keluo, God of Peace
Faevie the Bloody
Shuis Hopeless

More coming soon! Make suggestions on the Improbot Facebook page.