The Improbot app for Android is now available -- Improbot on Google Play.
Random Similes (x 50)
Fears are like salmon swimming upstream...
Hope is like a mountain...
Buying a house is like fixing a computer...
Grief is like a canvas...
Fears are like spaghetti...
Laughter is like a violin...
Your fears are like chocolate...
Your happiness is like a guitar...
Hopes are like spaghetti...
Your opinion is like a beautiful melody...
Finding a job is like changing a light bulb...
Your ego is like a multi-choice quiz...
Dreams are like salmon swimming upstream...
Anger is like a movie...
Having a child is like opening a letter...
Fears are like chocolate...
Wealth is like a good book...
Falling in love is like doing the shopping...
Your wisdom is like an ocean...
Dying is like drinking a bottle of whiskey...
Fears are like marshmallows...
Freedom is like a summer's day...
Getting married is like brushing your teeth...
Learning is like writing a job application...
Dreams are like chocolate...
Love is like a mountain...
Finding a job is like turning on a light-switch...
Your fears are like spaghetti...
Running for office is like making a sandwich...
Romance is like a lake...
Having a child is like changing your underwear...
Your hopes are like spaghetti...
Dating is like doing the shopping...
Success is like a multi-choice quiz...
Hopes are like marshmallows...
Hope is like a guitar...
Falling in love is like tidying your room...
Friendship is like a river...
Buying a house is like fixing the TV...
Learning is like opening a gate...
Failure is like a beautiful song...
Dreams are like spaghetti...
Your ego is like a forest...
Hopes are like chocolate...
Finding a job is like doing the shopping...
Fear is like a picnic at the beach...
Thoughts are like chocolate...
Your success is like a bar of soap...
Freedom is like a guitar...
Thoughts are like marshmallows...
More coming soon! Make suggestions on the Improbot Facebook page.