disclaimer: The text generated is random, based on templates and lists. Some will be silly, some might even be offensive (not intentionally, just unanticipated word combinations). Sometimes there are gender-specific terms. Please, use your own judgement and filter or change as necessary for your purposes. Use whatever inspires you!

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Random Epic Names (x 500)

Oaloeyra the Dark

Torue, Bringer of Dreams

Frederick, God of Lies

Tierice Skyrider

Terri Mindgreeter

Aurte, Hand of Ice

Puxao the Terrible

Todd the Impaler

Crioh Hopeskin

Oar, Blade of Fire

Beismairin the Unjust

Jessie Bloodteller

Krupeo, Druid of Life

Jose, Shaman of Luck

Ertie Lovetaker

Eug the Brave

Holars, Spirit of the Realm

Uritiulis, Mage of Lightning

Rick Hopeshaker

Uedio the Godless

Draldee, Blade of Darkness

Uazheityra Sinbite

Squourzered, Mage of Thunder

Cecil Lovetrace

Grui the Cold

Jeff, Lord of Peace

Catherine Fleshsucker

Eleilt Stargreeter

Cindy, Sword of Serpents

Sue the Honest

Mitchell Fearborn

Wurfue the Mad

Xyrayyra, Druid of the Air

John the Honorable

Olga, Hand of Winter

Clayton Willwain

Elsie the Dark

Iegoe the Cold

Waeso Fleshhunter

Gregory Stoneblade

Javier, Druid of Space

Cairmia Skybreaker

Gheu the Bloody

Stroebon, Champion of Hounds

Bernard Bloodkeeper

Iliffurus the Brave

Carlos, Brother of Snow

Smackaeth, Sword of Light

Grace the Good

Peek the Wicked

Uorliu Soulstruck

Zuirmu, Prince of Nightmares

Faried the Barbarian

Andrew the Loathsome

Bartholomew Spiritstaff

Noays Starsnake

Feneok the Great

Rorb, Prince of the Undead

Glenn Fleshface

Schopeetra Fearcarver

Marlene the Godless

Yayh the Grey

Terrence Stonereach

Klitchia Sinstorm

Bernard, Heart of Space

Grezhu the Invincible

Aorgei Hopeshine

Katie, Druid of Pain

Randy Will-eater

Duew the Just

Shast, Guardian of the Moon

Spiogi Hopestruck

Iutha Death-eye

Johnnie, Squire of Fairies

Kruan the Barbarian

Aaron the Bloody

Rosemary, Mistress of the Sun

Enul, Heart of Water

Eendoimer Stonerain

Wroawebon the Vicious

Preina, King of Pain

Dwayne the Mad

Yinust the Bloody

Bao Lovegazer

Yesuiren, Flame of the Dead

Curtis Heartseller

Roge Sunsinger

Ramona the Fearless

Leabet, Destroyer of Life

Lee, God of Tremors

David, Master of the Forest

Dia Windharvest

Iost the Proud

Drechoinia the Unjust

Nancy the Mad

Allen Heartsnake

Gluorick, Angel of Tremors

Uld Starwave

Frerneo the Giant

Robin, Goddess of Freedom

Lynn Goldchaser

Erica the Unholy

Clierfator the Honorable

Uw Timegrief

Fario, Sword of the Forest

Arlene, Face of Light

Blostinal the Barbarian

Wraneot, Champion of Darkness

Daerz Oathdemon

Ivan, Bringer of Fire

Sloxiulor, Blade of Space

Enrique Windchaser

Earfuonor Worldburner

Craig the Mad

Zyloi the Unholy

Psiesmolim Faithveil

Lillie Bloodwain

Laura, Guardian of the River

Drerta, Spirit of the Sun

Madison Goldcast

Coexudor Joymaker

Perair, Sword of Delight

Kathleen the Strange

Schad the Tall

Sergio Fleshsword

Stephen the Wicked

Slaorg Soulbane

Moroace, Shield of Pleasure

Roberta, Druid of the Realm

Shrupelor Moonmore

Wrainor the Good

Iorawyn, Eye of Flames

Shoffao, Priest of Beasts

Fenuek Doommage

Ievou Deathcarver

Patrick, Champion of Demons

Willie Boneborn

Barbara the Black

Daenui, Mistress of Lions

Naedowyn the Bold

Oug Starsword

Glenda the Damned

Pamela Skygrinder

Baluet, Guardian of Tremors

Keurin Goldwave

Juanita, Bringer of Famine

Jay Blooddragon

Uibie, Brother of Nightmares

Michael the Impervious

Crurtabon the Good

Nina, Spirit of Autumn

Farueg the Proud

Pseella, Squire of Thunder

Gloe Oathcrusher

Hazel Fearsnake

Ronald, Shield of the Living

Plaom, Ace of Darkness

Tommy Boneseller

Fliezhebim the Impaler

Brirpoe Love-eye

Chaeckiuler, Face of Death

Sheila, Goddess of the Sun

Sam Spacewalker

Zineuz, Bringer of Flies

Ralph the Vile

Amanda Timecleaner

Pedro the Powerful

Bartholomew, Blade of Joy

Schia Bondtrace

Iurla, Eye of Love

Steiw the Just

Fardio, Ace of Autumn

Morea, Champion of the Rain

Steve Bonebreaker

Baliuh, Shield of Blood

Douglas the White

Slouwelor the Dead

Chaelim Fleshlust

Christina, Daughter of Waves

Shane Sinworm

Yinuex Skytongue

Doriurice, Shield of Summer

Venie the Deceiver

Beverly, Princess of the Realm

Fleorn Fleshtrace

Oaz the Unholy

Ayldays, Warrior of Pain

Treenal the Godless

Edgar Joydancer

Bartholomew the Destroyer

Skiltiurn, Priest of Space

Pruodo Sunbane

Olastoe the Greedy

Samantha the Great

Rodney Windsinger

Zineu, Heart of the Lake

Morris Lifewaker

Lien the Deceiver

Auzoane Mindtongue

Stuem, Princess of Eternity

Rosemary Bloodtaker

Syloolor Heartgrinder

Whiob, Squire of Waves

Aust the Dead

Clasae Goldcatcher

Angela the Unholy

Noraig, Protector of the Sea

Holald the Loathsome

Quitcheonia Sungiver

Ernest, Priest of Terror

Eduardo the Fearless

Flaus the Invincible

Tony, Squire of Wolves

Lurpui, Knight of the Feast

Willard Willwreath

Ornee the Greedy

Alma, Princess of Dreams

Wranei Bondstaff

Paula the Loathsome

Wroeckiver, Heart of Thunder

Kristen Deathburner

Ouw the Impervious

Kirk, Eye of Wind

Roleiyn Bonesong

Kaog, Flame of the Air

Deborah the Greedy

Ludi Fleshchaser

Friarg the Wide

Marcus the Great

Smaickes, Destroyer of Night

Baloi Hopevice

Lucille Lifemore

Qinap the Trickster

Alberto the Fearless

Skeezolur Goldhunter

Klind, Brother of Space

Kathleen Fleshjaw

Fruxoa the Tall

Edith the Unwashed

Gordon, Heart of Beasts

Pseortemon the Deceiver

Perei Spaceteller

Henry Bonestaff

Elizabeth, Priestess of Serpents

Prive the Bold

Kloam, Angel of Wind

Claude the Red

Aday Lifering

Iewaina the Brave

Aulue, Mistress of Summer

Cagiorn Sinsign

Christy, Goddess of Waves

Raymond the Godless

Iania, Shield of Water

Bobby Spirittrace

Pee the Mad

Oismiuys Hopewalker

Elieff, Sword of Blood

Anthony the Wise

Naeshau the Impaler

Erica Timestorm

Uororis, Ace of Sin

Jared, Flame of War

Zyle Soulcup

Shirley the Giant

Clutsheunix the Light

Squaea, Spirit of Faith

Eendoa Stonerunner

Gertrude Sunbile

Byron the Godless

Qit, Mage of Autumn

Leldiomun Bondcarver

Annie Moonmouth

Yvonne, Guardian of the Dead

Struetor, Sword of Winter

Yuab Deathreaper

Warren the Foul

Charles Hopetongue

Leo the Barbarian

Iaruor Joybile

Too, Destroyer of Lions

Annie Spiritsong

Ietchoi Faithmore

Traltia the Dead

Aurmealer, Knight of Famine

Glyneeynn the Giant

Vera the Godless

Chris Joybane

Naevuibet Faithbite

Venuat the Tall

Steern, Bringer of Nightmares

Bryp Sintaker

Blianiver, Destroyer of the Lake

Miarea the Godless

Nelson the Invincible

Sceund, King of Stars

Floalur the Just

Darryl Mindgreeter

Groffau Doomgrief

Poe Lovecast

Ultia, Protector of the Moon

Nelson the Mad

Raul, Priest of Storms

Qirpay the Unjust

Speotchodon, Spirit of Freedom

Victor the Deceiver

Harold, Destroyer of Demons

Swaeld Faithchaser

Trea the Great

Joy the Honorable

Joann Bloodgazer

Comin Deathhand

Buoni the Loathsome

Ross the Fearless

Justin Fearmouth

Toroe, Guardian of the Sea

Penny the Invincible

Kimberly, Knight of the Dead

Clootuwyn Stonehand

Scortay, Warrior of Demons

Iliril the Barbarian

Geraldine, Face of Waves

Mary Lifechaser

Kloerfuler, Blade of Blood

Florence, Spirit of Demons

Uritchease Sinsong

Skianix the Cold

Suirt, Heart of Eternity

Fruod Hopemaker

Brenda, Daughter of Flies

Shrei, Druid of Waves

Wynoib the Terrible

Jeremy the Fearless

Gilae Bone-elf

Shane Sinless

Hutshothor, Heart of Blood

Agnes the Powerful

Nec the Honest

Cloerlithas, Lady of Famine

Sylio Soulsign

Chris Spacecarver

Farow the Powerful

Cherdou, Shield of Beasts

Fleas Singazer

Brian, Hand of Time

Melinda the Cold

Inaldo the Grey

Curtis Mindvice

Sergio, Lord of Hope

Jean the Honorable

Rosmaerin Spiritsinger

Dawn Faithblade

Kotcheirelle the Small

Stacy, Heart of Spring

Teresa the Godless

Greo, Priest of War

Venao the Wise

Toroist Stoneseller

Beth the Unjust

Carrie, Mistress of Terrors

Jorbiador Doom-eater

Felix Deathcup

Yesoosm, Druid of Tremors

Zylee the Wise

Susan the Honest

Eurt Skywish

Shre the Terrible

Maria, Hand of War

Emma the Honorable

Queov Deathsword

Zhoway, Guardian of Wine

Henry, Sword of Magic

Uortoutra Heartcatcher

Viola Spacehand

Julio the Loathsome

Voi Oathgrinder

Pauline, Maiden of Beasts

Cutchue, Shield of Love

Basil Hopemaker

Patsy the White

Jiub the Loathsome

Treeshelis, Flame of Darkness

Floyd Faithhand

Bobby, Guardian of Fairies

Ierpaith, Mistress of Lions

Marshall the Undying

Heriu Lovemagic

Kearsou, Goddess of Stars

En the Indestructible

Liarpuse Sunchaser

Floyd Faithface

Tisie, Hand of Tremors

Klaruria Spirittongue

Gilbert the Cold

Nuaze the Strange

Ogie Joydevil

Justin, Knight of Tremors

Beirlinys, Flame of Life

Katrina the Cold

Reu the Indestructible

Curtis, Sword of Titans

Lod Spacewind

Flauxemun, Goddess of the Sun

Warren the Loathsome

Moriaria, Eye of Serpents

Gordon Bonecatcher

Dale, Druid of Flames

Gray, Warrior of Swords

Ilipio the Cold

Zumaob Faithgazer

Morris Doomstruck

Darl, Druid of Spring

Shelly, Lady of Wine

Arasto, Shield of Terror

Zumoev the Godless

Iario, Shaman of Shadows

Scoirfa Faithtrace

Eliza-Jane the Impaler

Mike Willwind

Constance, Face of War

Preseup Fleshcrest

Sluozheth the Mad

Bradley Spacecup

Draiffa Mindgazer

Krua, Shield of Magic

Armando Deathcrusher

Lorraine the Unholy

Swozue Willblade

Uriltayr, Lady of Lions

Adoi the Bold

Morris, Druid of Fire

Waeseorb, Protector of Spiders

Mike the Dead

Lloyd, Priest of Pleasure

Psuaffe the Unjust

Lorarl Death-anvil

Gurzaorick, Maiden of the Forest

Spia the Vicious

Margaret Life-eater

Erm Hearttaker

Ruby, Warrior of the Rain

Aevui the Impaler

Grerd Faithjaw

Ziul, Shield of Shadows

Witec Goldmouth

Emily Sinsinger

Maegumin the Giant

Quizhui, Brother of Summer

Constance, Sword of Shadows

Noriv Timecarver

Airz the Damned

Connie the Foul

Shad, Lady of the Air

Ruth Bonedancer

Tuckei Bloodhunter

Darrell, Ace of Delight

Michele Lifecleaner

Spua, Shield of Sin

Faerfaodom Fleshdevil

Madison the Deceiver

Carole, Priestess of Swords

Kroffaurus, Spirit of Hounds

Jane the Impervious

Syliorwyn Fleshstorm

Gary, Hand of Life

Vegue the Wide

Chiethas, Brother of the Sea

Caimuine the Wicked

Dianne Bondlust

Bruar the Brave

Xyrau Hoperider

Natalie, Angel of Famine

Diana Sunsong

Sean the Vile

Aerk, Heart of the Sea

Uerfuo Starwind

Freddie the Damned

Ann Spirittrace

Eleew, Face of Famine

Laurie the Vicious

Pauline Oathcleaner

Iatheo the Tall

Valat, Squire of Lies

Fariu Deathblade

Ivan the Proud

Kim, Shield of Destruction

Bird the Destroyer

Squeesa Worldstorm

Xyrock, Heart of Demons

Roger Moonshine

Zhiak Mindbile

Lorardua the Unwashed

Alberto the Mad

Raloraeyra, Mage of Hope

Yelark Spiritgazer

Jason, Protector of the Dead

Howard Joy-anvil

Eilou the Unholy

Charlotte the Proud

Quit, Master of Waves

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An attitude towards or about another character.



Character and Personality Traits.



Lines of dialogue. For games like "Papers".



Emotions and other states of being.


Epic Names

Epic names for heroes and villains. Some are a little odd :)



Curated random image feed.



A variety of locations



Different 'moods' to inspire a scene.



Jobs and the like.



Jobs with a trait. E.g. "A Happy Farmer".


Opening Lines

Opening line of a story. For games such as "Typewriter".


Personal Prompt

A prompt to serve as a starting point for a character monologue.


Place Names (invented)

Randomly created place names.



Proverbs, sayings, and expressions.



A relationship between two characters. A common scene starter.



Comparison of two things, with an ellipsis. Complete the simile by explaining how the two things are alike.


Sins and Virtues

The 7 deadly sins and 7 heavenly virtues.



Simple, sometimes weird, story titles.



Random words.


More coming soon! Make suggestions on the Improbot Facebook page.

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